MP Land Record Bhuabhilekh | MP Bhulekh Online Khasra Khatauni | भू नक्शा मध्यप्रदेश 2022 | Bhu Abhilekh Madhya Pradesh
MP Bhulekh is an online platform where a resident of Madhya Pradesh state can check their land records without visiting government offices.
Bhu (भू) means land and Lekh (लेख) record. Digitization of MP land records is essential because the government will have accurate data of lands available in the state and their ownership details.
Recently some people have illegally occupied the government lands and sold them to other people. Some of them have constructed buildings on the revenue land. So to prevent these unlawful things, the transparent online management system of records has been initiated.
In this article, we will share with you all the information on how to search MP Bhulekh Khasra/Khatauni and digitized a map of your plot area.
Table of Contents
MP Bhulekh Online Portal 2022
MP Bhunaksha online portal has been developed and maintained by Commissioner Land Records & Settlement of Madhya Pradesh Government. People of the state can check their complete land details like survey number, plot number, cadastral map, wetland or dryland on their computer or mobile by sitting at home.
Due to industrialization industries that want to set up their companies in the state need land for operations, so the government has identified the suitable parcels in different districts and listed on the official website of MP Land Records.

Key Points of Madhya Pradesh Bhu Naksha Website
Name | Bhulekh MP Online Portal |
Launched By | Madhya Pradesh Government |
Beneficiary | Residents of the state |
Objective | To provide MP Land Record details online |
Official Website | |
MP Land Record Free Services
- Khasra/B-1/Map (खसरा/बी-1/नक्शा)
- Bhu-Naksha (भू – नक्शा)
- Village List (गाँव की सूची)
- Copy Application Form (प्रतिलिपि आवेदन पत्र)
- MP Bhulekh Khasra/B-1/Map Copy (खसरा/बी-1/नक्शा प्रतिलिपि)

Procedure To Get MP Bhu Lok Khasra
If you want to find your MP Bhulekh Khasra/Khatauni of your land, then please follow the steps given below.
- Firstly, visit the website.
- On the homepage, click on the ‘Free Services‘ tab on the main menu.
- Now, you will be redirected to the services page, click on the first option, which is Khasra/B-1/Map.
- After that, select the following details.
- District
- Tehsil
- Village
- Now, choose any one of the two options (Land Lord or Land Record Number)
- Enter your Account Number and captcha code which is displayed on the screen
- Now, click on the ‘See Details‘ button to get the complete details of MP Bhulekh Khasra.
- You will see B-1 particulars like land record number, land area in hectares, year and land type.
- Additionally, you can view the landlord name, Father/Husband name, Part, Ownership type and address in mp land records.
एमपी भु लोक खसरा पाने की प्रक्रिया
यदि आप अपने MP Bhulekh खसरा / खतौनी को अपनी जमीन पर पाना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन करें।
- सबसे पहले वेबसाइट पर जाएं।
- होमपेज पर, मुख्य मेनू पर ‘फ्री सर्विसेज’ टैब पर क्लिक करें।
- अब, आपको सेवाओं के पेज पर भेज दिया जाएगा, पहले विकल्प पर क्लिक करें, जो कि खसरा / बी -1 / मैप है।
- उसके बाद, निम्नलिखित विवरण का चयन करें।
- जिला
- तहसील
- गाँव

- अब, दो विकल्पों में से किसी एक को चुनें (लैंड लॉर्ड या लैंड रिकॉर्ड नंबर)
- अपना खाता नंबर और कैप्चा कोड डालें जो स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्शित होता है
- अब, सांसद भूले खसरा का पूरा विवरण प्राप्त करने के लिए ‘विवरण देखें’ बटन पर क्लिक करें।
- आपको बी -1 विवरण जैसे भूमि रिकॉर्ड संख्या, हेक्टेयर में भूमि क्षेत्र, वर्ष और भूमि का प्रकार दिखाई देगा।
- इसके अतिरिक्त, आप मकान मालिक का नाम, पिता / पति का नाम, भाग, स्वामित्व प्रकार और MP Land Records में पता देख सकते हैं।
Alternate Method To Get MP Bhulekh Khasra Details
- Here, you have to visit the MP Land record Portal
- On the top of the main page, click on the ‘खसरा/खतौनी‘ option or you can also click on any district of the Madhya Pradesh State Map

- Now, it will redirect to the Khasra details page
- Select your district name, tehsil, village and enter the captcha code
- Finally, click on the ‘See Details’ button and you can view the Khasra/Khatauni details on your computer screen
MP Bhulekh खसरा विवरण प्राप्त करने की वैकल्पिक विधि
- यहां, आपको MP Land Record पोर्टल पर जाना होगा
- मुख्य पृष्ठ के शीर्ष पर, ‘खसरा / खतौनी’ विकल्प पर क्लिक करें या आप मध्य प्रदेश राज्य के किसी भी जिले पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं।
- अब, यह खसरा विवरण पृष्ठ पर रीडायरेक्ट करेगा
- अपने जिले का नाम, तहसील, गाँव चुनें और कैप्चा कोड डालें
- अंत में, ‘विवरण देखें’ बटन पर क्लिक करें और आप अपने कंप्यूटर स्क्रीन पर खसरा / खतौनी विवरण देख सकते हैं

Latest MP Education Portal News
Procedure To Check Bhulekh Naksha MP Online
Along with MP Land Records, you can also check exact demarcation of your plot in the form of the digitized cadastral map. Please follow the procedure given below to find your Bhu Naksha.
- Firstly, go to
- Click on the ‘नक्शा(अक्स)‘ option; then you will be redirected to the ‘भू – नक्शा‘ page.
- Now, select your district, tehsil and village, it will automatically show the GIS map of the village.
- After that, enter the ‘Khasra Number’ of your land (Plot or Survey Number) and click on the ‘Submit’ button.
- Finally, you can see the Bhu Abhilekh Naksha and also the MP land record number, area in Hectare and landholder details on your screen.
MP Bhulekh Naksha ऑनलाइन चेक करने की प्रक्रिया
MP Land Record के साथ, आप डिजिटाइज्ड कैडस्ट्राल मैप के रूप में अपने प्लॉट के सटीक सीमांकन की भी जांच कर सकते हैं। कृपया अपना भु नक्ष खोजने के लिए नीचे दी गई प्रक्रिया का पालन करें।
- सबसे पहले पर जाएं।
- ‘मानचित्र (एएक्स)’ विकल्प पर क्लिक करें; फिर आपको ‘भू – मानचित्र’ पृष्ठ पर भेज दिया जाएगा।
- अब, अपने जिले, तहसील और गाँव का चयन करें, यह स्वचालित रूप से गाँव का जीआईएस नक्शा दिखाएगा।

- उसके बाद, अपनी जमीन (प्लॉट या सर्वे नंबर) के ra खसरा नंबर ’को दर्ज करें और ‘सबमिट’ बटन पर क्लिक करें।
- अंत में, आप Bhulekh Naksha और भूमि रिकॉर्ड संख्या, हैक्टर में क्षेत्र और अपनी स्क्रीन पर लैंडहोल्डर विवरण देख सकते हैं।
Alternate Method To View Bhu Naksha MP 2022
- First thing you have to do is to visit the official MP Bhulekh website
- On the homepage, click on the ‘Free Services’ tab on the menu and it will take you to the services dashboard
- Now, click on the ‘Bhu-Naksha’ option and enter the details like district, tehsil and village
- After that, enter the Khasra number of mp land record to view your plot in Web-based Geographical Information system Map
वैकल्पिक विधि MP Bhulekh Naksha 2022 देखने के लिए
- सबसे पहले आपको आधिकारिक MP Bhulekh वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा
- होमपेज पर, मेनू पर Services फ्री सर्विसेज ’टैब पर क्लिक करें और यह आपको सेवाओं के डैशबोर्ड पर ले जाएगा
- अब,-Bhu-Naksha ’विकल्प पर क्लिक करें और जिले, तहसील और गाँव जैसे विवरण दर्ज करें
- उसके बाद, वेब-आधारित भौगोलिक सूचना प्रणाली मानचित्र में अपने भूखंड को देखने के लिए MP land record की खसरा संख्या दर्ज करें
MP Land Record Village List Search
- Firstly, go to the portal.
- Click on the ‘Free Services’ option on the homepage and citizen services dashboard will open.
- Now, click on the ‘Village List’ tab and after that, select the Report Type, District and Tehsil and click in the ‘View Report.’
- You will see the village list with details of the name of the village, patwari halka, place, total khasra and total B1
Madhya Pradesh Khasra Application Form Download For Manual Submission
If you want to apply manually to know your mp land record details then please follow the process given below
- Firstly, visit the official MP Bhulekh online portal
- Now, click on the ‘Free Services’ tab, then it will redirect to the services dashboard
- You can see ‘Copy Application Form’, click on that to view application forms in PDF
- Now, click on Application Form and Khasra/B1/ Map application form
- Fill all the details given in the form, pay the required fee and submit to the authorities in the concerned department
- Finally, after verifying your application form, they will issue the khasra, map details of your land
View Khasra/B1/Map Copy Details On MP Bhulekh Free Service Portal
To get a copy of the Khasra details of your land, then you have to follow the steps given below
- Firstly, visit the official website of Madhya Pradesh Bhunaksha portal
- On the homepage, click on the ‘Free Services’ tab on the main menu
- After that, click on the ‘Khasra/B-1/Map Copy‘ option
- Now, select the following details
- District, tehsil, place, patwari halka and village
- Now select Land Lord Name or Land Record Number option
- Subsequently, enter the captcha code and enter the ‘See Details’ button
- Finally, you can see the details of the mp land record and you can take a copy of it by taking a printout for your future reference
खसरा / बी 1 / नक्शा कॉपी विवरण MP Bhulekh मुफ्त सेवा पोर्टल पर देखें
- सबसे पहले, मध्य प्रदेश भूनाक्ष पोर्टल की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं
- होमपेज पर, मुख्य मेनू पर ‘फ्री सर्विसेज’ टैब पर क्लिक करें
- उसके बाद, ‘खसरा / बी -1 / मैप कॉपी’ विकल्प पर क्लिक करें
- अब, निम्नलिखित विवरण चुनें
- जिला, तहसील, स्थान, पटवारी हलका और गाँव
- अब भूमि धारक का नाम या खसरा संख्या विकल्प का चयन करें
- इसके बाद, कैप्चा कोड दर्ज करें और ‘विवरण देखें’ बटन दर्ज करें
- अंत में, आप MP land record का विवरण देख सकते हैं और अपने भविष्य के संदर्भ के लिए प्रिंटआउट लेकर इसकी एक प्रति ले सकते हैं
MP Land Records Data Cleansing Report Village Wise
- First thing you have to do is to visit the official MP Bhulekh website
- Go to the Free Services dashboard, click on the ‘Data Cleansing Report’ option
- Now, click on the following options one after the other
- District
- Tehsil
- Place
- Halka
- Village
- Finally, you will get the list of the following details
- Total number of khasra
- IT operator process
- Approved by patwari
- Approved by tehsildar
- Balance for approval at tehsildar

Public User Registration On MP Bhulekh Portal
To get more services of MP Land Records, you have to register yourself on the portal. Please follow the steps given below.
- Firstly, visit the mp bhulekh online portal.
- Click on the ‘Public User‘ tab on the menu bar.
- Now, click on the first option ‘Register Public User.’
- Enter the general information like Login Id, first name, last name and husband/father’s name
- After that, enter the communication information like address, street, landmark, district, tehsil, pincode and email id.

- Now, enter your mobile number and click on the ‘Send OTP’ tab, enter the generated code.
- Subsequently, click on the ‘Register’ button.
- User id and password will be sent to both mail and mobile.
- Login with the details and change the current password with the new password.
- Finally, public services dashboard will appear on your screen.

सार्वजनिक उपयोगकर्ता पंजीकरण MP Bhulekh पोर्टल पर
MP Land Records की अधिक सेवाएँ प्राप्त करने के लिए, आपको पोर्टल पर अपना पंजीकरण कराना होगा। कृपया नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन करें।
- सबसे पहले, mp bhulekh ऑनलाइन पोर्टल पर जाएं।
- मेनू बार पर ‘सार्वजनिक उपयोगकर्ता’ टैब पर क्लिक करें।
- अब, पहले विकल्प ‘रजिस्टर पब्लिक यूजर’ पर क्लिक करें।
- सामान्य जानकारी दर्ज करें जैसे लॉगिन आईडी, पहला नाम, अंतिम नाम और पति / पिता का नाम
- उसके बाद, पता, सड़क, लैंडमार्क, जिला, तहसील, पिनकोड, ईमेल आईडी जैसी संचार जानकारी दर्ज करें।
- अब, अपना मोबाइल नंबर दर्ज करें और ‘ओटीपी भेजें’ टैब पर क्लिक करें, उत्पन्न कोड दर्ज करें।
- इसके बाद रजिस्टर ’बटन पर क्लिक करें।
- यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड दोनों मेल और मोबाइल पर भेजे जाएंगे।
- विवरण के साथ लॉगिन करें और नए पासवर्ड के साथ वर्तमान पासवर्ड बदलें।
- अंत में, सार्वजनिक सेवाएं डैशबोर्ड आपकी स्क्रीन पर दिखाई देंगी।

Procedure To Search For MRR Bhulekh MP Pratilipi
- Firstly, got to the bhulekh naksha MP portal
- Now, you have to login by typing your username and select the department
- After that, enter the password and captcha code and click on the ‘Submit‘ button

- A services dashboard will open and you have to click on the ‘MRR Bhulekh Pratilipi‘ option
- Subsequently, select your district, tehsil, village and enter the village name and click on the ‘Search‘ button
- Consequently, you will get the document name, total pages, from year and to year
- Finally, you can download the whole document of MP Land Record of your village
एमआरआर भुलेख सांसद प्रतिपति के लिए खोज करने की प्रक्रिया
- सबसे पहले, bhulekh naksha MP पोर्टल से मिला
- अब, आपको अपना उपयोगकर्ता नाम टाइप करके लॉगिन करना होगा और विभाग का चयन करना होगा
- उसके बाद, पासवर्ड और कैप्चा कोड दर्ज करें और enter सबमिट ’बटन पर क्लिक करें
- एक सर्विसेज डैशबोर्ड खुलेगा और आपको ‘MRR Bhulekh Pratilipi’ विकल्प पर क्लिक करना होगा

- इसके बाद, अपना जिला, तहसील, गाँव चुनें और गाँव का नाम दर्ज करें और ‘खोज’ बटन पर क्लिक करें
- नतीजतन, आपको दस्तावेज़ का नाम, कुल पृष्ठ, वर्ष और वर्ष से मिलेगा
- अंत में, आप अपने गांव के MP land record के पूरे दस्तावेज डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं
Download Copy of All MP Land records
- Firstly, Login with your username and password
- On the dashboard, click on the ‘Copy of Land Records Download’ option
- Now, you will find the list of options given below
- Khasra copy
- B-1 copy
- Copy of account holder’s khasra
- Bhu Naksha (Map) copy
- Copy MRR
- MP Bhulekh Order copy
- Select any one of the above options
- Click on the ‘Download’ button and take the printout of it

View Revenue Payment Details On MP Bhulekh Portal
- First of all, go to the Bhulekh Madhya Pradesh website
- Login with your username and password
- Click on the ‘Revenue Payment’ option on the dashboard
- There are three options (New Revenue Payment, Payment Pending and Prepayment)

New Revenue Payment For MP Land Records
- If you select the first option, then select your district, tehsil, place, patwari halka, village and land type (Agriculture land and wasteland)
- Now, select the Landowner name or account number and click on the ‘View Details’ button
Payment Pending
In this option, you can see the details of applicant number, account number, district, tehsil, village, land revenue in rupees, date and action taken
In this option, you can get the details of applicant number, account number, district, tehsil, village, land revenue (Rs.) and challan form
Wallet Recharge For Payment To View/Download MP Land Records
If you want to use any of the public services, you have to pay some amount to get the details of your land. MP Bhulekh has provided an option of the wallet so that you can add money to the wallet and pay for services you use
- In the recharge amount option, enter the amount you want to add to the wallet and click on the submit button and use your payment bank option and recharge your wallet
- In the statement option, you can view your mini statement and date section

- You can also view the statement for the last seven days and 30 days
- In the fund transfer option, select the ‘Payee To, enter the Payee Name, amount and fill remarks field
- Finally, click on the ‘Submit‘ to transfer the amount to the wallet of another person
Points Before Applying For Diversion Of Land in MP Bhulekh Portal
- Firstly, read the Land Revenue Code Rules, 2018 before applying for Diversion of MP Land Records
- If the applicant has been allotted government land, then this land cannot be diverted to any other purpose
- If you still want land diversion, then your deposited amount will not be returned to you
- If the applicant gets land allotment in the city or village for investment in a particular industry and if it not used for the intended purpose then the applicant is solely responsible for this mistake
- The information given in the application form will be examined and if it is found that area and the intended purpose is different while operating then the presiding officer will levy penalty on you as per rules
- If you have deposited some amount during allotment of land, then you have to pay the differential amount within the stipulated period
- If the deposited amount by the land allottee is higher than the payable amount, then the excess money will be deposited back to the same bank account
Application Procedure For Diversion Of MP Land Records (Khasra Changes)
- If you want to apply for land diversion in MP Bhulekh portal, then please follow the steps given below
- The documents required for diversion are
- Proof of identity of the applicant
- Power of attorney (or)
- Letter of Authority
- Consent letter from the landholders
- Document for change of the area from hectares to meters
- Other documents
- If you want a change of khasra number in MP land records, then a new sketch of the plot will have to be prepared
- In case of mutations of khasra number is more than one then also the specified land area will be sketched
- The amount of land revenue and premiums will have to be deposited in the government treasury account while service charges and copy charges will have to be deposed in the separate account provided by the department
- It is necessary to submit a copy of the khasra along with the diversion application online. Hence it is no need to obtain a separate copy of the MP bhulekh khasra
- The online application can be filled and saved for the future and can be resumed from the same field, completed and can be done final submission
Procedure Get MP Bhulekh Diversion Intimation Services
- Diversion of MP land records like the change of Khasra/Khatauni numbers and sketch of the plot area can be viewed on the official Bhulekh MP portal.
- Login with your username and password from the homepage
- Under the ‘Public User’ option, click on the ‘Diversion Intimation.’
- Now, click on the first option, select the details like district, tehsil and village,
- Select any one of the options of (landholder name, land record number, account number)
- Subsequently, click on the ‘See Details‘ option.
- Other options in diversion intimation are given below.
- Pending notice form
- Sent applications
- Revised Payment
- Rejected application
- Resolution first step

MP Land Records Diversion With Intimation Statistics
If you want to know the village wise statistics, then please follow the details given below
- Firstly, go to the website of MP Bhulekh khasra
- On the homepage, click on the ‘Dashboard‘, a new page will open on your computer screen
- Now, click on any of the districts to get total applications, total disposed and pending district-wise statistics

- You can also view the total applications and total disposed tehsil wise
- If you want to check the total application current status wise, then you can get details like
- Initiated, rejected, pending, pending at SDO, pending at patwari and approved applications
View MP Bhulekh Online Services Reports
- Firstly, visit the Madhya Pradesh bhunaksha portal
- Click on the ‘Reports’ tab on the menu to get the below list of the services.

- Now, select any service of your choice and view the reports for free
खसरा / नक्शा त्रुटि MP Bhulekh Khasra / Map Error | कृषि भूमि भू-राजस्व भुगतान Agri. Land Revenue Payment |
भूमि व्यपवर्तन – शुल्क भुगतान Diversion Fee Payment | भूमि व्यपवर्तन निगरानी MP Land Records Diversion Monitoring |
व्यपर्तित भूमि प्रयोजन Diverted Land Purpose | भूमि बंधक Land Mortgage |
बैंकवार भूमि बंधक Bankwise Mortgage | आदेश अनुपालन निगरानी Order Compliance Monitoring |
कोषालय चालान खोजें Treasury Challan Search | ऑनलाइन भुगतान Online Payment |
BeGL वॉलेट BeGL Wallet | अन्य यूजर वॉलेट Other User Wallet |
भू-अभिलेख प्रतिलिपि संख्या MP Land Records Copy | भूमि वर्गीकरण Land Type |
यूजर लॉगिन सँख्या Logged-in User | यूजर – कंप्यूटर पंजीकरण रिपोर्ट User Computer Reg. |
पंजीकृत/कार्यशील/लंबितउपयोगकर्ता Reg./Working/Pending User | अनावंटित जिला/तहसील/गांव Unassigned Dist/Teh/Village |
गतिविधि विहीन जिला District Without Activity | भू-राजस्व मांग Revenue Demand |
शिकायत रिपोर्ट Grievance Report | फसल रिपोर्ट Crop Report |
डाउनलोड ग्राम सूची Download Village List of MP Bhulekh | GCP डेटा देखें View GCP Data |
Agricultural Statistics Of Madhya Pradesh
- Firstly, visit the official MP land records portal
- Click on the ‘Agricultural Statistics’ option on the homepage
- Now, you can view the Annual Season and Crop Reports from the year 1963-2019
- You can also view the Rainfall information of the state and Area details which are accounted and non accounted
- The total irrigated area under MP Bhulekh and measures are taken, area of food crops grown
- Previous and current average yield per hectare of crops and total crop yield in the state

Procedure To Check District Wise Khasra/Map Error Report
- First of all, you have to visit the Madhya Pradesh Land Records Portal
- On the homepage, click on the ‘Reports‘ tab on the main menu
- After that, a new page will open on your screen with many options
- Now, you have to select the first option, ‘Khasra/Map Error‘ option

- After that, select the date of your choice and click on the ‘View Report’ button
- Finally, it will show the district wise list on your screen and you can download it in excel format
Geospatial Portal Of Madhya Pradesh
If you want to view the Geographical Information System Map then click here
Procedure To Check Adhikar Abhilekh
- Firstly, you have to visit the MP Bhulekh official portal
- Now, click on the ‘Search‘ tab on the menu bar of the homepage
- After that, a new page will open on your computer screen
- Subsequently, click on the ‘Adhikar Abhilekh‘ option

- Select the following details
- District
- Tehsil
- Village
- After that, click any one of the options (Land lord, Block number and Plot number)
- Finally, enter the captcha code and click on the ‘See Details‘ button
MP Bhuabhilekh App Download
- Firstly, got to the google play store
- Search ‘MP BhuAbhilekh‘, now install the app to search for MP land records

Procedure To Apply For Grievance
- Firstly, go to the MP bhulekh khasra portal.
- Click on the ‘Grievance‘ tab on the main menu of the homepage.
- Under the ‘Public’ option enter the complaint, mobile number and Email id.
- Now, select the application type, district, tehsil, R.I., halka and village.
- After that, select the MP land record number (Khasra number) and choose the required file to upload.

- Subsequently, write a complaint statement and your address.
- Finally, click on the ‘Send OTP’ button to verify and submit the form.
- You have other options two in the grievance section (Registered user option for public users and complaint/suggestion track for those who filed a grievance earlier)
Contact Helpdesk
If you have any technical problems on the MP Bhulekh portal then contact: 1800-2336763/07554000340or Email at
List of District Co-ordinators
S. No | District Name | Officer Name | Mobile No. | Mail IDs |
1 | Agarmalwa | Aman Birthare | 9691252522 | |
2 | Alirajpur | Abhishek Bhuriya | 8224888348 | |
3 | Anuppur | Siddharthdev Chaturvedi | 9424333185 | |
4 | Ashoknagar | Rahul Bairagi | 8319776648 | |
5 | Badwani | Girijesh Kumar | 7352363883 | |
6 | Balaghat | Anwar Ahmed | 7999367326 | |
7 | Betul | Sandeep Dhurve | 7806090666 | |
8 | Bhind | Dharmendra Ali | 9826274192 | |
9 | Bhopal | Ravi Katiyar | 9202200586 | |
10 | Burhanpur | Kiran Ala Pawar | 6261020925 | |
11 | Chhaterpur | Ankit Soni | 9993273992 | |
12 | Chhindwara | Farhan Khan | 9074555514 | |
13 | Damoh | Durgesh Ahirwar | 7470862666 / 7999424530 | |
14 | Datia | Parmal Singh Rawat | 9826268774 | |
15 | Dewas | Sandeep Patel | 9827515759 | |
16 | Dhar | Atul Rathore | 8959624432 | |
17 | Dindori | Rajkumar Maravi | 8719956091 | |
18 | Guna | Deepak Suryavansi | 9669034360 | |
19 | Gwalior | Alka Shejwar | 9294719154 | |
20 | Harda | Amit Kushwaha | 9926821981 | |
21 | Hoshangabad | Ankit Sharma | 9926999151 | |
22 | Indore | Prem Bundela | 6263911143 | |
23 | Jabalpur | Ashish Shrivastava | 9977541701 | |
24 | Jhabua | Pradeep Kanaujiya | 9981868588 | |
25 | Katni | Rehan Khan | 9303776777 | |
26 | khandwa | Vicky Alfred Pawar | 8962896133 | |
27 | Khargone | Praveen Kumar Bhati | 9993484076 | |
28 | Mandla | Yogesh Jhariya | 7747004547 | |
29 | Mandsour | Umrav Singh Tomar | 9713266015 | |
30 | Morena | Ravi Shankar Sharma | 9329077827/ 8770135237 | |
31 | Narsinghpur | Nikhil Sahu | 9827712207 | |
32 | Neemuch | Naved | 7000526848 | |
33 | Niwadi | Prashu Jain | 7000382569 | |
34 | Panna | Pushpendra | 9424709680 | |
35 | Raisen | Gaurav Bhargav | 7000369990 | |
36 | Rajgarh | Nitin Kumar Sharma | 9575002405/ 7489079199 | |
37 | Ratlam | mandeep | 9926188609 | |
38 | Rewa | Dhannjay Tiwari | 8223936333/ 7987148518 | |
39 | Sagar | Anup Patel | 8827707708 | |
40 | satna | Badri Vishal Tiwari | 7000386191 | |
41 | Sehore | Prashant Sharma | 9713321389 | |
42 | Seoni | Rahul Chouksey | 9806168508 | |
43 | Sepur | Ravi Shankar Sharma | 9329077827/ 8770135237 | |
44 | Shahdol | Akash Deep | 7000150553 | |
45 | Shajapur | Ram Babu | 8982110382 | |
46 | Shivpuri | Adil Qureshi | 8770086862 /9770396408 | |
47 | Sidhi | Vivek Mishra | 7898729874 | |
48 | Singrauli | Premchand Jaiswal | 9893296105 | |
49 | Tikamgarh | Prashu Jain | 7000382569 | |
50 | Ujjain | Sandeep Parmar | 8878646888 | |
51 | Umariya | Ajit kumar Shukla | 9893257566 | |
52 | Vidisha | Mukesh Kirar | 9691947566 | |